Physical Fitness for Life
Please note that EMH Sports and your school have expectations that you will attend once you sign up. If you sign up and then drop out, we must be notified by you personally in writing (email Customer Service) before the deadline (two business days before class). Please do not expect your school or your coach to cancel your order for you. Only the parent/guardian can cancel an EMH registration. Cancellation fees and additional charges will apply if you do not come or cancel in a timely manner so that we can remove you from the rosters. We hire our coaches and pay our fees, send equipment, etc, based on the headcount for each class, so please communicate if you are not coming.
Cancellation Fees and Deadlines
Please consider your orders carefully before you place them, and double-check everything before checking out. Unless changes are due to EMH Sports action (canceling or changing your class, for example), there is a $5 fee for any changes once we process your order. If you have no credit or school funds we can use, a payment will be needed. If you cancel a month after it begins, $10 per day will be charged for classes already held, even if you did not attend.
If EMH Sports cancels your class, we will always offer a makeup day, credit, or refund, depending on the situation. If you cannot attend a makeup day we offer, you can get a free day pass or a monetary credit on your account. If you wish to cancel a full or partial order for personal reasons, it must be done by 12:00 NOON the day before the class is held. Otherwise, you will be charged in full for the next day's class and any classes already held. If you cancel before the deadline, you will only have to pay the $5 cancellation fee.
If you cancel late and we already held a class, you can either:
Go ahead and pay for the full month, attend what you can, and get makeups for the missed dates in accordance with our makeup policies
Cancel the remaining dates and pay for the dates we already held at the day pass price.
Class Cancellations
For class cancellations, please check your park page, email, weather line, or Notice Board on your Dashboard (click the red bell icon). PE classes may be canceled due to weather, park closures, coach emergencies, etc.
In most cases, we will try to hold class if the weather permits. If EMH cancels a class due to rain, coach emergency, etc, we will offer either a Makeup Class (a separate date from your scheduled classes) or Makeup Extensions (two 30-minute extensions will be added either before or after your regular scheduled class). If there is to be a makeup class, the park page will list the new day/time and a group email will also be sent asking you to confirm your attendance.
To confirm your attendance, please log into your EMH account and on your Dashboard, click “Makeup Class/Extensions”. You will see an option to confirm your attendance. If you select yes, that will count as your response and your family will be added to the Confirmed Makeup Roster. If you select no, your attendance will be updated and you will receive a credit towards the end of the month. Please ensure to select "No" or "Yes" for each student.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at customerservice@emhsports.com