Physical Fitness for Life
EMH Sports offers discounts at the following rates for PREPAID classes only. Discounts only qualify for families paying out-of-pocket and not with school funding.
Different Types of Discounts
Earlybird Discount - Monthly classes must be ordered and paid by the 20th of the prior month
Sibling Discount - For 3 or more siblings ordering out of pocket only (CANNOT BE COMBINED WITH EARLYBIRD DISCOUNT). This order must be in the same month and class. The first 2 students are regular prices and the third student can qualify for the Sibling Discount
If you are paying out-of-pocket, please choose the discount that works best for your family as discounts cannot overlap. We do NOT PRORATE unless we fail to offer 4 sessions.
Class Prices
The regular price for all REGULAR IN-PERSON classes is $50.
The regular price for all VIRTUAL group classes is $40 to $45 (We do not offer single Day Passes for virtual classes and discounts do not apply for Virtual classes)
Deluxe classes (1 makeup) are $55. Premium (2 makeups) are $60.
Discount Prices
Earlybird Discount are $46/$51/$56
Sibling Discount (child #3, 4, 5...only) is $42/$47/$52
***There are no discounts for Day Passes, Virtual Classes, or Specialty classes.
How to Apply Discounts For Out-Of-Pocket Families
If you are paying out-of-pocket, please choose the discount that works best for your family as discounts cannot overlap. We do NOT PRORATE unless we fail to offer 4 sessions. If you would like to use one of the discounts, please email customerservice@emhsports.com so we can add either the Early Bird or Sibling Discount credit to your EMH account. Please include the name of the student(s), registration class level, and the type of discount you are requesting to use.
Once Customer Service adds the discount, please register for class and use your EMH Credit when checking out. Please keep in mind that if you do not use your Early Bird discount by the 20th or before class is held, it will be removed from your EMH Credit and cannot be rolled over to the following month.
Please see our discounted EMH Pricing Sheet under "Information" on our "Policies" page.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at customerservice@emhsports.com