Physical Fitness for Life
EMH Offers Sports for Homeschooled Students - Building Social, Emotional and Physical Character.
The cornerstone of our PE program emphasizes Fun, Fitness, and Friendship. EMH offers a higher standard of instruction by providing a comprehensive physical education program that encourages students to live active lifestyles and build healthy habits. We begin with activities that are suited to the student's strengths then gradually add variety to the lesson and increase the level of difficulty.
Our skill-based P.E. curriculum is designed and developed to meet the needs of the homeschool and charter school networks for grades K-12th.
Classes are conducted on a weekly basis and occur throughout the year. All activities are pre-planned and are taught by scope and sequence focusing on the physical, social, and emotional development of each student. Our instruction encompasses locomotor skills, psychomotor & non-locomotor skills which play a critical role in developing a well-rounded physically fit student. Our students learn teamwork, peer encouragement, and fitness.
Curriculum-Based Lesson Plans - Physical Fitness is not recess or playtime, it is a lifestyle.
EMH Sports PE classes provide our participants the opportunity to experience the enjoyment of healthy movement in a fun and safe environment.
Each instructor follows a curriculum-based lesson plan that is designed to help each student develop the skills necessary to play the sport. Our goal is to make all students comfortable, no matter their skill level. Instructors will emphasize the knowledge and skills necessary to appreciate the planned activity. Students will develop valuable skills in order to perform a wide variety of sports and fitness activities. The classes will offer diverse, developmentally appropriate activities for both noncompetitive and competitive students. The lessons may also be modified to accommodate those students who are physically and emotionally challenged.
Our PE classes meet or exceed WASC (Western Association of Schools and Colleges) and/or State Educational Standards*. The program strategy is a design that allows high school students to achieve PE credits for graduation. It makes available a unique physical education system by putting in place the necessary components that comply with state standards and taking into consideration the continuing health needs of a student. They will be exposed to athletic and recreational activities that can provide a lifetime of enjoyment and healthy movement.
***Taking ONE (1) EMH PE class a week fulfills 2100 minutes of Physical Education.
Our Class Divisions
EMH PE classes accommodate students from K-12th grades. The classes are co-ed and are usually broken out by grade level. We try to have at least 2 team divisions per location:
Primary - K-2nd may have their own group or may combine up through 4th grade
Elementary 3rd-5th could combine with lower or upper grades
Middle 6th-8th are often combined with high school
High School 9th-12th will have a separate team if there are enough older kids enrolled
The number of coaches and team levels at a location is determined by the number of students enrolled in a particular sports class at that location and could change throughout the year and for different sports. Our goal is to have a ratio of 1 instructor per 20 students with a minimum of 2 instructors working at a park location. Grades K-4 will have 2 instructors if there are more than 20 students.
Earned P.E. Credits
A certificate of completion will be provided to turn over to the school and/or district for recording after each P.E. class is complete.
EMH offers several types of PE services such as:
Open P.E. enrollment
On Site PE programs
Exclusive PE programs
Adaptive Physical Education
Fitness Gram
Open P.E. Enrollment
The open enrollment classes are held at various parks throughout California and Nevada and are open to all students who wish to register. The classes run for one hour and meet from September through May. To find an existing PE Class in your area, please click here: https://www.emhsports.com/search. The dates and locations for each county will be listed when you click on the park page. Please contact us if you would like to arrange a promo in your area for your group.
On-Site P.E. Programs
EMH also offers On-Site PE Classes for those schools needing instruction at their facility. An EMH instructor/instructors will come to your location. Please contact us for more information about our pricing program.
Exclusive P.E. Instruction
EMH can also offer private instruction at a park location exclusively for your school. This is a signed contractual agreement designed to fit the needs of your student body. Please contact us for more information.
Adaptive Physical Education Instruction
EMH has programs/instructors available for Adaptive Physical Education needs. A certified instructor will utilize several assessments during the intake process. Modified approaches are used for students with specific IEP goals. Please see details on our Adaptive PE page or contact us for additional information concerning these special services.
Fitness Gram
EMH can conduct the Fitness Gram for your Charter or Homeschool group. The assessment can be conducted at the school facility or a park location. EMH will be responsible for all paperwork to be turned in to the District for recording purposes.
NEW! EMH Sports Specialty Designed PE Classes
EMH Sports USA has offered physical education classes to thousands of students since its inception in 2004, and while our program is designed to create an inclusive environment for all students, there are situations where some students with disabilities are unable to fully participate.
While this program is designed to foster regular physical education, it does not replace the need for any students with an Individual Education Program (IEP). The student’s charter school will still be responsible for the IEP services or make arrangements for those services to be provided through other public or private institutions.