Physical Fitness for Life
Coach Jason Ramirez
Los Angeles County PE Manager
Coach Jason is from Seacliff Beach California, which is a small beach town south of the Bay Area and has been with EMH Sports for over ten years. His favorite sports are Baseball, Football and Basketball. His favorite sports team are the Oakland Raiders, San Francisco Giants and the Golden State Warriors. Coach Jason states he continues to have many fun experiences while coaching. Throughout the years, the students made signs for our coaches and lift up their spirits with appreciation. Coach Jason says “I am lucky to have some of the same students over the course of 10 years. It’s rewarding to watch them grow and help the newer students in class feel comfortable. I love watching students who might be shy or timid breakout out of their shell as time goes on. I enjoy how even if you are having a bad day, which we all do, once I get to class that all goes away for that hour and we have fun in class. I love watching students become leaders and finding their voice through sports. Sports are supposed to challenge you. It’s not supposed to easy, but at the same time, it’s about building bonds and having fun. I appreciate seeing students do their best and find success while potentially make life long friends.